Women in Business Luncheon

  • Start: 2019-12-12 11:00 am
  • End: 2019-12-12 2:00 pm

Tickets Available: Price: $49.00 per person ~ $440 table of 10

Delaware Today and Delaware Business Times are proud to present on of the most highly anticipated pre-holiday events in the market!  This powerhouse luncheon opens and closes with networking, honoring the women profiled in the magazines’ December “Women in Business” feature.  This year’s event welcomes keynote speaker Cheryl Ecton, CEO Elite Building Servies, sharing “The Dirt Behind Success”, an inside look at building a start-up company and leveraging it to the top of the industry.

Tickets are:   $49 per  person/$440 per table of 10

For more information, please go to our website:  http://www.delawaretoday.com/Delaware-Today/Women-in-Business/Homepage

Hope to see you there!