14th Annual New Castle County Reads presents ” An Evening with Christina Baker Kline”

  • Start: 2018-04-25 7:00 pm
  • End: 2018-04-25 9:00 pm

The book is  ” Orphan Train“. It is the story of two women.  One is a seventeen year old living in foster care; the other is a ninety-one year old widow, who, in her childhood,  rode the Orphan Train.

New Castle County Reads is an annual program conducted by New Castle County Libraries by providing a series of programs and book discussions focusing on the program’s featured title.  This year, the New Castle County Libraries featured title is “Orphan Train” by acclaimed author Christina Baker Kline.  The Event is Free. For further information, please visit our website:


Please join us at the Chase Center on Wednesday, April 25th, 2018 @ 7:00pm